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We wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a year of peace, joy and good health throughout 2025

SUNDAY 22 DECEMBER Fourth Sunday in Advent

10.45am We welcome Jacqui Cameron, from Stocksfield, who is to lead our worship this morning.

As we continue through Advent we light an additional candle each week. The fourth candle, today, represents “Joy”. This year we are using liturgy at the lighting of the candle promoted by the Methodist Church on the theme of “Hush the Noise”. The Methodist Church website explains, in these words:- “Christmas is loud, isn’t it? So much expectation. So many voices, telling us how to celebrate, what to wear, what to eat and drink, what to watch and what to buy. Instead, this Christmas, we’re inviting everyone to hush the noise. To listen to the song that the angels bring, this and every year. They sang it for the first time more than 2,000 years ago, on the midnight clear. They are just waiting for us to join in.”

Refreshments in the form of coffee or tea will be served immediately after this service. Do stay for a while if you can.

4.00pm We welcome everyone here this evening to the United Village Carol Service on behalf of the Wylam and District Churches. Refreshments, including mince pies and shortbread biscuits, will be served after the service. If you have brought contributions towards the refreshments this morning, thank you, and please leave these in the kitchen.


10.45am We welcome all who have come along this morning to celebrate the birth of or Saviour. This service will be led by members of the congregation. Today the final and central “Christ Candle” in our Advent Ring will be lit.

Our offering today, as is our custom on Christmas Day, will go to the charity “Action for Children” – previously known and remembered by many as the “National Children’s Home”.


3.00pm We are invited to an Organ Recital in Haltwhistle Methodist Church, to be given by Anthony Wood (who some people here may remember played the organ for us, approximately once a month, many years ago). Donations are invited for Leukaemia Research, in memory of Rev Marie Beard’s brother. Refreshments will be available afterwards.


10.45am Our worship this week is to be a ‘local arrangement’ and will take the form of a service of favourite carols, chosen by members of the congregation. Please let one of our Church Stewards know of your choice as soon as possible.

As usual, refreshments will be served immediately following this service. Do stay for a while if you can.


10.45am Our worship today will be led by our Minister, Rev Fiona Calverey. This service will be our annual Methodist Covenant Service and will include Holy Communion in which are warmly invited to share.


10.30am (with refreshments served from 10.00am) The next of our monthly “Men at Home” meetings will take place here, when Theresa Brolly will be giving an illustrated talk about “The Parsons Family”. All men will find a warm welcome. There’s no charge, donations (£2 suggested) are invited to cover expenses.

7.30 to 9.00pm The Wednesday Evening Fellowshipmeetings resume this evening in the foyer here. This week the group will be watching the next episode of “The Chosen”. This is proving to be a fascinating video series based on the life and ministry of Jesus. This episode is titled “Clean – Part 1”. Please remember that these meetings are open to anyone, from any church or none, and all are welcome.


9.15 to 11.30am “Soft Play” for pre-school children, accompanied by a parent or guardian, resumes today in the hall after the short break. Just £3 per family. Come at any time and for as long as you wish.


7.00 to 9.00pm The Wylam and District Churches Youth Club and Gathering resumesherethis evening following the Christmas break. From 7.00 to 8.00pm, a more traditional youth club with a wide variety of games including board games, pool, table tennis and badminton and then, from 8.00pm, for all who wish to stay, The Gathering will take place upstairs with some food, perhaps a more quiet game and some chat and discussion about Christian faith and life issues – or if you wish you can just come at 8.00pm for this session. Anyone from school year 6 and above is welcome and there’s no need to book. Weekly sub. remains at £1.


10.45am We look forward to welcoming Tom Dodds, from Hexham, who is appointed to lead our worship today.

4.00 to 5.30pm Another “Messy Church” will be held here. More details next time.


PLAN & ROTAS A copy of the new Circuit Plan of preachers for the period December 2024 to February 2025, along with a rota of Sunday duties in this church, can be seen on the notice board.

LIVING WATERS” The Winter 2024/25 issue of this Circuit Magazine is now available and can be seen on-line via the Circuit website at or you can pick up a copy from the table in the atrium. As usual, lots of interesting stories about things going on around our fairly vast circuit.

NOTICES The next issue of these church notices will be published for the week commencing Sunday 12 January, and hopefully sent out as usual by email on the Friday before that date.

PRAYER FOOTNOTE Dear Lord, don’t let us miss you this Christmas season. Help us to simplify our activities and traditions so that we can focus our celebration on your birth. Thank you for being the Prince of Peace, as we pray for that supernatural peace to reign in our hearts. Thank you for the simple but life-changing message of your love for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Melanie Chitwood

Information to be circulated? You can contact Brian Japes
Tel:- 01661 852151 or email [email protected]