10.45am We welcome Ian Warburton, from Prudhoe, who is appointed to lead our worship this week.
Refreshments will be served in the foyer immediately following the service. Do stay for a while if you can.
4.00 to 5.30pm Another monthly Wylam and District Churches “Messy Church” will be held here. This is a family event for children up to 11 years of age, accompanied by a parent of guardian. Suggested donation £1 per child. There’s no need to book, just come along for a mix of crafts, games, bible stories and music, with a very simple meal for the children and refreshments for adults. This month’s theme is to be “Love”.
10.30am with coffee/tea served from 10.00am The next monthly “Men at Home” meeting will be held in the foyer here when the speaker will be Professor Miles Witham, talking about “Muscle Loss and the Link to Falls and Fractures in Older People”. All men will find a warm welcome.
7.00 to 9.00pm The Wednesday Evening Fellowshipcontinues to meet in the foyer, continuing the study based on a book by Rev Bryony Wood with the title “The Sound of Musings”. If you would like a link to the free study guide, please speak to Brian, and please remember that these meetings are open to anyone, from any church or none, and all are welcome.
9.30 to 11.30am “Soft Play” for pre-school children, accompanied by a parent or guardian, continues today. Just £3 per family. Come at any time and for as long as you like.
6.30 to 7.30am Another Men’s Prayer Breakfast, will take place in the foyer, with bacon butties followed by a time of prayer for local and wider issues. All men are welcome.
8.15 for 8.30 to 10.00am Another “Perspectives” Men’s Breakfast will be held, (please note, a week earlier than usual), in the Prior’s Hall, Hexham Abbey. Bobby Martin is the speaker this monthand his subject, “Law, Criminal Justice and Faith”. Bobby is a lawyer with 20 years experience in the Ministry of Justice and criminal courts, having started his legal career in Hexham and with early links to the Trinity Methodist Youth Club. He is the son of John Martin, editor of “Living Waters”, our Circuit magazine. The cost of this event is £14 per head, which includes a full English breakfast.
7.00 to 9.00pm The Wylam and District Churches Youth Club and Gathering continuesherethis evening. From 7.00 to 8.00pm, it’s a more traditional youth club with a wide variety of games including board games, pool, table tennis and badminton and then, from 8.00pm, for all who wish to stay, The Gathering will meet up in the foyer with some food, perhaps a more quiet game and some chat and discussion about Christian faith and life issues – or if you wish you can just come at 8.00pm for this session. Anyone from school year 6 and above is welcome and there’s no need to book. Weekly sub. remains at £1.
10.45am We look forward to welcoming Sheila Holland, from Allendale, who is to lead our worship this morning.
Refreshments will be served in the foyer immediately after this service
Saturday 22 February, 9.30am to 5.00pm North East Women (formerly Methodist Younger Women) are holding a Day Retreat at Minsteracres, at which the speaker is to be Rosemary Gray, Newcastle District MWiB President. The cost is £37 including lunch and refreshments. For more information contact Joyce George on 0771 463 2498.
Friday 7 March at 11.00am. A service marking World Day of Prayer will be held at Horsley Village Church. This event is described as a women led, global, ecumenical movement and this year the service has been prepared by women of the Cook Islands on the theme of “I Made You Wonderful”. Please remember – both women and men are welcome at this service.
LENT STUDY GROUPS It is currently expected that two groups will be commencing a special Lent Study on the theme “Soul Food” during Lent. The Wednesday Fellowship is expecting to use this study from 12 March, 7.30 to 9.00pm, as part of their continuing fellowship and there will also be an opportunity to attend a day-time study, 12 noon to 1.30pm, from Thursday 13 March, with a “bring some lunch” (drinks provided) session, led by our minister and/or other clergy from the Wylam and District Churches. More details will follow shortly, together with information about other special events/services during Lent and Easter.
“PERSPECTIVES” ANNUAL DINNER The “Perspectives” Dinner is to be held, 6.30 for7.00pm on Friday 14 March in the Great Hall at Hexham Abbey. The cost of the three-course dinner is £36 per person, including gratuity, table water and coffee/tea. The speaker this year will be Rachael Maskell MP, speaking about “Walking the line between faith and political affiliation”. Rachel is Labour MP for York Central, and is Vice Chair of the Health and Social Care Health Select Committee. (Last November she was one of the MPs who voted against the Assisted Dying Bill.) You can read more about her on the poster on the notice board. Please note that the dinner is open to women as well as men. For menu options and booking details please visit www.perspectivescvfm.org.uk and/or refer to the poster on the notice board.
FOOD BANK A reminder that we continue to support the West Northumberland Food Bank and boxes for donations of non-perishable items remain in the atrium, accessible when the premises are open.
“LIVING WATERS” The Spring issue the Circuit Magazine is due to be published at the end of February and we, at this church, are invited to submit articles, news, notices, updates, etc, to John Martin ([email protected]) by 14 February, so there’s little time to go! His intention is to finalise copy by the 18 February before printing.
NEXT NOTICES Please be aware that with school half term approaching and several regular activities also taking a break, next week’s issue in likely to cover a two week period. Make sure Brian has information for publication in good time.
PRAYER FOOTNOTE Loving God, thank you that in your love, forgiveness and compassion you did not abandon all that you have made but came amongst us in your Son, Jesus Christ, to heal, guide and transform. May your life and love truly inform and shape all our hearts and minds for the challenges and opportunities that lie before us. For those who struggle, may there be comfort and release; for those who would bring relief, may there be wisdom and strength; and for those who lead, and for us all, may eyes and minds, hearts and hands be open to see, love and respond, for the sake and love of all. Amen James Tebbutt
Information to be circulated? You can contact Brian Japes
Tel:- 01661 852151 or email [email protected]