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We extend a warm welcome to Ruth Johnson, from Prudhoe, who is to lead our worship this morning.

Do stay if you can for refreshments in the form of coffee or tea, which will be served in the foyer immediately after this service

11.45am (or soon after!) We are invited to Prudhoe Methodist Church following their morning service (*) for “Getting to Know You” with Rev Fiona and David Calverey, when they will be talking about life in South Africa and their journey to Tynedale. Please bring your own packed lunch if you wish to attend. ( *)Please note that the service at Prudhoe begins at 10.30am. It is a service including communion and so we can only assume it will end at approximately 11.45am.)

4.00 to approx. 5.30pm For the final Wylam and District Churches “Messy Church” of the summer term, this month, weather permitting, the event will take place outside (or inside if wet), with a picnic tea and a few games and songs. Bring your own food this time (ice cream and drinks provided). This is a family event for children up to 11 years of age, accompanied by a parent or guardian. Suggested donation £1 per child. There’s no need to book, just come along.

7.00 to 9.00pm
Our Coffee Evening this evening is, by kind invitation, at the home of Judith Hunter, 16, Holeyn Hall Road These are very informal evenings, open to everyone. We are invited to come along at any time and to stay for whatever time we can spare.

9.15 to 11.30am
The final session before the summer break of “Soft Play” for pre-school children, accompanied by a parent or guardian, will be held in the hall today. Just £3 per family. Come at any time and for as long as you wish.

We look forward to welcoming Rev Tony Buglass, who is appointed to lead our worship this morning.

As usual, refreshments will be served in the foyer immediately after this service

7.00 to 9.00pm
For our Coffee Evening this evening we are kindly invited to the home of Ruth and Declan Barriskill, 2 Denecroft. These are very informal evenings, open to everyone. We are invited to come along at any time and to stay for whatever time we can spare.

11.00am to 2.00pm
We are invited to a Coffee Morning and Flower Festival at Fourstones with Warden Methodist Church in aid of Tools for Self-Reliance and Tynedale Hospice. You can take along any unwanted tools – garden, construction or home improvement. Also open Saturday 27 July, 10.00am to 4.00pm and Sunday 28 July, 1.00 to 4.00pm.

Our worship this week is to be led by our Minister, Rev Fiona Calverey. This service includes Holy Communion, in which everyone is warmly invited to share.

After the service we hope as many as are able to will stay for a while to enjoy coffee or tea and, of course, a chat.

TYNEDALE CIRCUIT – LOOKING AHEAD Leaflets were distributed last Sunday from Rev Marie Beard, our Superintendent Minister, and David Kilner, Circuit Treasurer, setting out the primarily financial problems this Circuit will be facing over the next few years. If you did not receive a copy do please take one today or, if you would like a copy delivering to you, please ask Brian (email/phone details at the foot of these notes) to provide a copy for you.
We are asked to prayerfully consider the situation, to look at the questions posed and think how we, as a church and as individuals, can best respond. In a quotation from this leaflet, the words in Joseph Hart’s Hymn (67 in “Singing the Faith”) sums up our hopes – “We’ll praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that’s to come.”

CAN YOU HELP AT SOFT PLAY? Next term, David and Tim are hoping to pull back somewhat and are looking to only need to supervise soft play fortnightly. To keep the Soft Play going weekly we are looking for some new blood to help out. So if you can commit to either monthly or fortnightly on Thursday mornings in term time to help, then please let us know. If you wish to see how things are run then do pop over for a short time to the session this week, which is the last one before the summer break. Thank you Tim/David.

VACANCY The Newcastle Central and East Methodist Circuit are advertising for a Student and Adult Worker (a part-time contract for 3 years). This post will be based at Jesmond Methodist Church and neighbouring Shieldfield. As these notes reach a wider audience than our regular congregation this information is included here. If anyone is interested in receiving further details – job spec’ and application papers, please contact Brian (details at the foot of this page).

“LIVING WATERS” Copies of the Summer issue of this Tynedale Circuit Magazine are now available in church or, alternatively you can view this via the Circuit website – Copy for the Autumn 2024 issue should be sent to the editor, John Martin, by 19 August. email: [email protected] or phone: 01434 674425 /07964 616555

FOOD BANK Needless to say, there continues to be a need for more donations to sustain the West Northumberland Food Bank. Boxes for our gifts of non-perishable items remain in the church atrium. Please consider bringing something along if you can.

FUTURE CHURCH NOTICES The next issue of these notes is planned for Sunday 28 July, however, a reminder that over the next few weeks, when many regular activities are taking a break, issues of church notices will cover at least two weeks without further warning. Please be aware of this and ensure that Brian has details of anything that requires publicity as soon as possible. Thank you.

PRAYER FOOTNOTE God our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer: may we who know your love, act justly; may we who know your grace, love mercy; may we who know your generosity, walk humbly with you. Inspire us in prayer and strengthen us in action for the transformation of the world and the glory of your name. Amen Elaine Pryke

Information to be circulated? You can contact Brian Japes
Tel:- 01661 852151 or email [email protected]