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10.45am We welcome Rev Tony Buglass, from Hexham, who is appointed to lead our worship this morning.

Refreshments in the form of coffee or tea will be served immediately after this service. Do stay for a while if you can.

4.00pm Although no formal local joint arrangements have been made, this week is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and we are invited to attend a service on the broad theme of “Christian Unity” taking place at St Oswin’s this afternoon. All are welcome to join folk there.


7.30 to 9.00pm The Wednesday Evening Fellowshipmeetings continue this evening in the foyer here. This week the group will be looking at the second week of a new study, based on a book by Rev Bryony Wood with the title “The Sound of Musings”. If you would like a link to the free study guide, please speak to Ruth or Brian, and please remember that these meetings are open to anyone, from any church or none, and all are welcome.


9.30 to 11.30am “Soft Play” for pre-school children, accompanied by a parent or guardian, continues today. Just £3 per family. Come at any time and for as long as you like.

11.30am The Church Resources Group will meet, together with Church Stewards, in the foyer, chiefly to discuss finance and property matters. If you have any questions or suggestions on these matters please have a word with Brian Japes who acts as Secretary.


8.15 for 8.30 to 10.00am The next “Perspectives” Men’s Breakfast will take place as usual in the Hexham Abbey Priory Building. The after-breakfast speaker this month will be Rob Fame, talking about “Serving God where you are”. Rob served for several years on the staff of the newly planted Holy Trinity Church, Gateshead, then with a similar planted church in the West End of Newcastle. He now works as a civil servant whilst an active member of another church plant, St Joseph’s in Benwell. The inclusive charge is £14, payable on the day or by bank transfer at booking. Pre-booking is essential. Please speak to Brian Japes if you are interested but haven’t been before – a lift might also be available.

7.00 to 9.00pm The Wylam and District Churches Youth Club and Gathering continuesherethis evening. From 7.00 to 8.00pm, it’s a more traditional youth club with a wide variety of games including board games, pool, table tennis and badminton and then, from 8.00pm, for all who wish to stay, The Gathering will take place upstairs with some food, perhaps a more quiet game and some chat and discussion about Christian faith and life issues – or if you wish you can just come at 8.00pm for this session. Anyone from school year 6 and above is welcome and there’s no need to book. Weekly sub. remains at £1.


10.45am Our worship this week will be a Local Arrangement service based on a service from “The Vine” and led by members of the congregation.

As usual, refreshments will be served immediately following this service. Do stay for a while if you can.


OUR FRAGILE EARTH” Wylam & District Churches are holding an “eco” event (probably to be called ‘Our Fragile Earth’) on 18 and 19 October in Wylam.  A planning meeting is to be held at 42 Woodcroft Road at 4:00pm on Tuesday 28 January.  If you would like to help organise the event and/or have ideas about what to include please come along to the meeting – all will be very welcome, particularly younger people. If you are interested but unable to come to the meeting, or if you want further details, please contact Ruth Barriskill,  (Wylam & District Churches Trustees Secretary) [email protected] 07855 088134


Monday 27 January 7.30pm All who are interested are invited to “Encounter”, at the West End Methodist Church, Hexham. This is an evening of relaxed and informal worship. Guest speaker Steven Talbot, with live music and refreshments. All welcome. See the poster on the notice board.

Tuesday 28 January, 4.00pm Planning meeting for Wylam and District Churches “eco” event. Please see further details above.

Thursday 30 January, 2.00 to 4.00pm. We are invited to a “Tea Dance” at Ponteland Methodist Church arranged by the Newcastle District Methodist Women in Britain. The cost is £5and proceedsin aid of the next President’s project – Tynedale Hospice at Home.

Sunday 2 February – after church service A meeting of our Church Council will be held. Please make a note of this date.

Tuesday 4 February at 7.30pmTrustees and other representatives of the Wylam and District Churches, are reminded of their meeting, here, in the foyer.

Saturday 22 February, 9.30am to 5.00pm North East Women (formerly Methodist Younger Women) are holding a Day Retreat at Minsteracres, at which the speaker is to be Rosemary Gray, Newcastle District MWiB President. The cost is £37 including lunch and refreshments. For more information contact Joyce George on 0771 463 2498.

FOOD BANK A reminder that we continue to support the West Northumberland Food Bank and boxes for donations of non-perishable items remain in the atrium, accessible when the premises are open. During the past year, this Food Bank has provided 11,600 food parcels to 720 households and demand during these winter months is always high.

PREACHING PLAN & ROTAS A copy of the current Circuit Plan of preachers for the period to February 2025, along with a rota of Sunday duties in this church, can be seen on the notice board.

LIVING WATERS” The Winter 2024/25 issue of this Circuit Magazine is now available and can be seen on-line via the Circuit website at or you can pick up a copy from the table in the atrium. As usual, lots of interesting stories about things going on around our fairly vast circuit.

PRAYER FOOTNOTE A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025:-

Loving God, in this fractured world we are called to be instruments of unity. We are called to be a people of prayer, and during this season we pray for greater unity within and between churches, and between Christians of all traditions. Bless us with love for each other, with a desire to understand our differences and to live in peace and harmony together. Be with Christians around the world as we pray together that all may be one so that the world may believe. In the name of your son Jesus Amen.Doral Hayes Principal Officer for Ecumenical Development and Relations, Churches Together in England

Information to be circulated? You can contact Brian Japes
Tel:- 01661 852151 or email [email protected]