10.45am We welcome our Minister, Rev Fiona Calverey to lead our worship this morning. This service is to include Holy Communion, in which everyone is warmly invited to share..
Refreshments will be served in the foyer immediately following the service. Do stay for a while if you can.
Today is “Ash Wednesday”, marking the beginning of Lent, and Rev Fiona Calverey and Rev Tom Birch are planning to spend some time in the village offering to “ash” people (that is, marking them with a small touch of ash) in recognition of this.
12 noon Another “Soup & Pud” Lunch will be held in the foyer today, primarily for the over 70s. If you have not been before and wish to be included, please contact Anne Featonby (853552)
7.30 to 9.00pm The Wednesday Evening Fellowship continues, meeting in the foyer, with the last of the studies based on the book “The Sound of Musings”, by Rev Bryony Wood. Session 6 this week is titled “Something Good?”. If you would like a link to the free study guide, please speak to Brian, and please remember that these meetings are open to anyone, from any church or none, and all are welcome.
9.30 to 11.30am “Soft Play” for pre-school children, accompanied by a parent or guardian, resumes in the hall today after the break. Just £3 per family. Come at any time and for as long as you like.
11.00am. A service marking World Day of Prayer will be held at Horsley Village Church. This event is described as a women led, global, ecumenical movement and this year the service has been prepared by women of the Cook Islands on the theme of “I Made You Wonderful”. Please remember – both women and men are welcome at this service.
7.30am In a change from previous days and time, a “Men’s Prayer Breakfast” will be held in the foyer this morningwith the usual ‘bacon butties’ followed by prayers for the community and the wider world. All men will be welcome, just come along.
10.45am We look forward to welcoming Norman Fullard, from Corbridge, who is appointed to lead our worship this week.
Refreshments will be served in the foyer immediately after this service. Do stay for a while if you can.
4.00 to 5.30pm Another monthly Wylam and District Churches “Messy Church” will be held
here. This is a family event for children up to 11 years of age, accompanied by a parent or guardian. Suggested donation £1 per child. There’s no need to book, just come along for a mix of crafts, games, bible stories and music, with a very simple meal for the children and refreshments for adults.
BERYL HILL It is with great sadness that we report that Beryl died in hospital early on Thursday this week, following a deterioration in her health. We extend our deep sympathy to the family at this time and assure them of our prayers. Beryl has been a much-loved member of this church for many years, although less able to be with us on Sundays more recently as her health began to fail. We will try to bring further information about a funeral in due course.
LENT STUDY GROUPS A special Lent Study on the theme “Soul Food” will be offered here during Lent. The Wednesday Fellowship will begin the study on 12 March, 7.30 to 9.00pm, as part of their continuing fellowship and there will also be an opportunity to attend an alternative day-time study, 12 noon to 1.30pm, commencing Thursday 13 March, with a “bring some lunch” (drinks provided) session, led either by our minister, Rev Fiona Calverey, Rev Roberta Ritson or Rev Tom Birch. Please remember that the Wednesday Fellowship is always open to people from any church or none, and the Thursday sessions will similarly be advertised to all the Wylam and District Churches. Do try to come along to one of these if you can – and if you miss the odd Wednesday you could perhaps catch up on the Thursday.
“SOUL FOOD” In addition to this being the theme of our Lent Studies this year everyone is also invited to sign up to receive a daily email delivery of spiritual nourishment during the 40 days of Lent, provided by the Methodist Church. To sign up, go to www.methodist.org.uk/SoulFood or scan the QR code on the poster on the church notice board.
“PERSPECTIVES” ANNUAL DINNER The “Perspectives” Dinner is to be held, 6.30 for 7.00pm on Friday 14 March in the Great Hall at Hexham Abbey. The cost of the three-course dinner is £36 per person, including gratuity, table water and coffee/tea. The speaker this year will be Rachael Maskell MP, speaking about “Walking the line between faith and political affiliation”. Rachel is Labour MP for York Central, and is Vice Chair of the Health and Social Care Health Select Committee. (Last November she was one of the MPs who voted against the Assisted Dying Bill.) You can read more about her on the poster on the notice board. Please note that the dinner is open to women as well as men. For menu options and booking details please visit www.perspectivescvfm.org.uk and/or refer to the poster on the notice board.
SAVE THE DATE! “Our Fragile Earth” – Weekend of Sat/Sun18/19October 2025. The objective of the weekend is to stir-up, inspire, educate and equip residents in Wylam and District to care for the planet, as individuals, as a community and as a nation.
The organising will come from Wylam and District Churches, however we are expecting it to be a muchwider event. The format will be an exhibitions and stalls on the Saturday afternoon along with demonstrations. Then in the evening there will be a panel where we hope that political, theological, lifestyle and campaigner views will be represented.
On the Sunday there will be an ecumenical service led by Rev. David Coleman with an opportunity for socialising and discussion afterwards; to include refreshments of course! This will also be the Harvest Festival service.
FOOD BANK An on-going reminder that the the Food Bank for which we collect has a continuing need for supplies of non-perishable food items. Please pop contributions into one of the boxes in the atrium whenever the church is open. Thank you.
“LIVING WATERS” The Spring 2025 edition of this Tynedale Circuit magazine can now be seen on-line by going to the Circuit website, www.tynedalemethcircuit.org and clicking on the link. Lots of interesting news and stories from around the Circuit. Do make sure you take a look. Alternatively we expect paper copies will be available here very soon.
CIRCUIT PLAN & CHURCH ROTAS A copy of the new Circuit Plan for the period March to May 2025 can be seen on the notice board together with a rota indicating various Sunday duties – please take a look and if you are unable to fulfil what you are being asked to do, please try to arrange a substitute or speak to one of the church Stewards.
PRAYER FOOTNOTE Heavenly Father, we pray for your healing and wholeness for this hurting, broken world. Forgive our lack of confidence in you as our Lord and Saviour, our lack of faith in your presence and our lack of trust in your great mercy. We thank you, Lord, for freedom to worship you and for our great Christian heritage. Help us, Lord, to be proud of your gospel and give us courage to share it with others by our words and deeds. Amen
Patrick Slatterey
Information to be circulated? You can contact Brian Japes
Tel:- 01661 852151 or email [email protected]